Selasa, 01 November 2011

Ya Allah SWT

When can I graduate college? I've had 3 years of college have not been able to make a computer program

I'm still dizzy to make proposals pkl n & thesis

I still do not understand to make street vendors & Thesis

apakh I deserved in 2012 graduated from college this?

I've attempted really thinking about all

until my boyfriend is in south Sulawesi I lied to keep

I'm in jakarta place this campus has a girlfriend Barru suda

I felt so embarrassed by all this

I wrote an affair with my new girlfriend

  Ya Allah I have to do how to tell my boyfriend the same truth that is in southern Sulawesi? T_T

I am so concerned with my lecture

aja neglected until college because I was thinking about my boyfriend in south Sulawesi

I do not want to repeat the semester I was a rich time

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